Withn the increases in Bolsonaros´s government, on avarage, Brazillians began to spend 25% of their budget with the energy bill
Under the influence of business lobbies, the House of Representatives approved yesterday, 12, the basic text of the bill that radically changes the rules of environmental licensing in Brazil, ending the compulsory licensing for various types of enterprises, which increases the risk of tragedies with great social and environmental impact. After voting on the project highlights, which happens today, the bill now goes to vote in the Senate.
The Dam is comparable to the Mariana´s Dam in proportion to the amount of mineral exploration; the population reports pollution of the Tromaí River in the west of the state
The mining company Equinox Gold tries to prohibit the affected people to carry out political demonstrations on the road connecting Aurizona to Godofredo Viana (MA); MAB repudiates the attempt to criminalize the fight for rights in the region
My work with MAB and conversations with people affected by dams around the world made me want to investigate the following questions: what is the state of the dams in my own country, the United States, in 2020? Do we have concerns about their safety? Could there be a dam break here? Can what happened in Brumadinho happen here? Who controls these dams, and who “benefits” from the energy?
In 2020, Brazil did not sow rights; on the contrary, the country took lives, especially the lives of women, black and poor lives, all with a lot of violence and impunity
The movement does not accept reduced values, lack of participation in the negotiations and is considering legal action before the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to guarantee full reparation to those affected in the Paraopeba river basin
MAB organizes a solidarity campaign so that families affected by the dam failure can get emergency help with basic items such as food, water, and hygiene kits