MAB organizes a solidarity campaign so that families affected by the dam failure can get emergency help with basic items such as food, water, and hygiene kits
Due to the pandemic, actions were carried out with social distancing, in open places and with participants wearing masks
To the People Affected by Dams and people who fight together with us in this dear and immense Brazil.
The projects represent a huge risk for socio-biodiversity and for the planet’s climate due to the emission of methane. During COP 26, more than 100 countries pledged to reduce gas emissions by 30% until 2030
The high scale environmental disasters which have happened on both countries show the consequences of the standard action course preferred by the market’s private agents
Members of the MAB Solidarity Committee in the USA share their reflections on the 3 years of the Brumadinho crime
Water`s dam Mina de Pau Branco started to overflow this morning (08) in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte