The struggle of Palloma Silva, trans woman, northeastern, for the full right to water and love

It was in the water fight in Caucaia in Ceará that Palloma Silva met MAB in 2016. Today, she tells her trajectory in militancy against the violation of large enterprises as an LGBT person

Conceptually lagoon is a source of water that forms in the “hollow or arm of a river”, also technically called “body of elongated water”. Despite having been raised in the surroundings of Lagamar do Cauípe, in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza (CE), however, Paloma Silva struggles for full access to water in his community.

“There are around 27 communities that still suffer from a lack of water supply. It is very contradictory because we live next door to a lagoon, with good water, that would serve the population, but we are denied the right to supply.

While for the families who were born and raised on the banks of Lake Lagamar, there is still a lack of access for the companies, because we live on the side of the Industrial and Port Complex of Pecém and they have ample access to water.” The industrial complex is authorized by the state government to capture water in the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Lagamar do Cauípe – which apparently does not guarantee the protection of the basic rights of its residents.

The struggle for access to this essential right to water was the first of Paloma at the Movement of the People Affected by Dams (MAB), which also awakened in it the will to fight against the violations that it suffers from being a trans woman.

“MAB is a family that welcomes, teaches and prepares us to always be fighting and claiming our basic right to life and the right to love”.

* This article is part of a series of profiles of MAB coordinators produced in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Movement.

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