MAR | All our solidarity with Cuba and in repudiation of the US blockade
The Movement of Affected by Dams in Latin America (MAB) denounces the increase of the American blockade, which compromises the availability of basic supplies for the Cuban population during a pandemic
Publicado 14/07/2021 - Atualizado 14/07/2021
Since the last time the MAR (Movement of People Affected by Dams in Latin America) was in Cuba in 2018, we felt the new advance of the US blockade, with new strategies against Cuban sovereignty. They are concerned about the possibility of new more popular governments in our America, which can serve as distributors of the wealth produced by the workers, with which financial capital would retreat and would be at less private profit. Another possibility they don’t like is China’s worldwide breakthrough.

The blockade against Cuba is a crime against humanity, against the most supportive people in the world, which does not measure efforts to send its doctors and teachers with missions of real humanitarian aid to any part of the world.
We faithfully believe that the government of Cuba, together with its people, are heroes of the resistance that for more than 60 years has resisted the blockades of the USA and the imperialists.
How could our countries have crossed the pandemic without being able to purchase inputs, medicines, and fuels, with a blockade that bars, even militarily by sea, land, and air, the entry of inputs? That’s the situation in Cuba.
Who must solve the problems of Cuba is its own people, as it has always done, for what has become our international reference.
We denounce the continuation of Biden’s violent stance against Cuba, which follows Trump’s plan. Enough, hands-off Cuba! We call on all the voices of the world to continue to show solidarity with Cuba in every possible way in their countries.
Long live the Cuban revolution! Long live the Cuban people!