Social movements and youth protest in the streets of Altamira

Act of the masses, inspired in the great mobilizations across the country, is being named “Rights Now” More than 3 thousand people participated this Thursday (June 27) in the act […]

Act of the masses, inspired in the great mobilizations across the country, is being named “Rights Now”

More than 3 thousand people participated this Thursday (June 27) in the act “Rights Now”, in the city of Altamira, Para. The action inspired in the large mobilizations in Brazil, demands rights to the population which suffers with the injustices committed by the construction of the Belo Monte dam, and demand for the accomplishment of the named “conditioners”.

Conditioners are actions to reduce social impacts which the company Norte Energy, holder of the construction, have to accomplish in the contract. But these actions are delayed considering its schedule and the advance of the construction of the dams. For example, the hospital had to be built in Altamira one year ago, and also the building of urban resettlement, which have not even started yet.

The protest/act is being organized by the initiative of Movement of Affected People by Dams (MAB), Levante Popular da Juventude (Popular Youth Uprise), the Youth Ministry, UJS, Teachers trade union, Xingu Vivo, and university and scholar students. The concentration started at the acoustic square, at the Xingu riverside, from there they walked to the headquarter of Aciapa, where Federal Government’s representatives received the demands agenda. The protesters request popular public audience and the installation of a Popular Commission of Participation and Inspection.

The struggle continues

This Friday (June 28), the protesters will meet again to pressure the government to appoint a public audition. The concentration will happen at the acoustic square. From there the march will go to Aciapa, where members of the federal government, including the minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Gilberto Carvalho, will be in meeting to attend the demands of the rural trade unions of the region.

“The population of Altamira are tired of suffering because of the works of the dams. Everything here is worse when the so called “development” came with the construction of the dam, the city is chaotic. This is why we are here to demand our rights now: health, education, decent housing, security, respect to the workers, every right of the people and which the company and the government are not fulfilling with their obligation; said Eliane Moreira, MAB activist and resident of Altamira.

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