MAB advances in claims with São Francisco Hydroelectric Company in Recife (CHESF)

The Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) that since yesterday (13/03) occupies the seat of CHESF in Recife, participated in a hearing with the board of directors and CEO, […]

The Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) that since yesterday (13/03) occupies the seat of CHESF in Recife, participated in a hearing with the board of directors and CEO, John Bosco. The Movement presented a list of demands, highlighting the need to renew the concession of the Brazilian electric sector and the creation of a national policy for treatment and repair of the social debt of the State to those affected by dam constructions.

Progress has been made on some points of the agenda for the Northeast region, namely:

  • CHESF will make available to MAB their public lands in the Northeast for the resettlement of families; 
  • MAB is invited to evaluate if the land of bondage – used for the installation of power transmission lines – will serve to produce food; 
  • CHESF is responsible for fostering the installation of electricity for the resettled families, especially in the city of Sobradinho (BA);
  • CHESF is responsible for the articulation with other public bodies such as CODEVASF and the government of Bahia, for the installation of water in the communities and resettlement of Bahia;
  • CHESF will, together with the government of Bahia and the City of Sobradinho, reform of the city hospital that stopped attending for lack of infrastructure;
  • and finally CHESF will invest resources to conduct a training program for the families affected by dams in the Northeast.

The families remain camped in the HQ of CHESF and MAB will meet again with the board of Chesf today to continue the negotiation process. The Movement welcomes the outcomes so far of the negotiations, but keeps the activists mobilized until they have full guarantees. Only the organized struggle of the people will lead to the achievement of its claims.

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| Publicado 21/12/2023 por Coletivo de Comunicação MAB PI

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