MAB concludes another course Energy and Society in Contemporary Capitalism at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

February the 1th started at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) the fourth stage of the specialized course “Energy and Society in Contemporary Capitalism”, coordinated by the Movement of People […]

February the 1th started at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) the fourth stage of the specialized course “Energy and Society in Contemporary Capitalism”, coordinated by the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) and the Research and Urban Planning Institute (IPPUR) of the UFRJ.

Activists from MAB, Via Campesina, several trade unions and social pastoral organizations attend together with representations from different countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, El Salvador, Mexico, Spain, Mozambique and Panama.

The course follows the method of alternating pedagogy, with colective classes held on the premises of the UFRJ, and community experience when students return to their communities. The course is supported by Eletrobras.

To Violet Castilhos, militant from the student movement in Argentina, the course was very important for its political content and for giving students the opportunity to experience different realities, including the forms of struggle and organization in Brazil and other countries. “Only then we can construct a form of struggle to fight the capitalist system” said. The student claims that this system works the same way in all countries and this is an opportunity of doing a great articulation to discuss new alternatives for society, especially in the energy field.

According Nadaletti Cristiane, a militant of MAB and member of the education department, the course plays a historical role as it provides oportunities to the working class who is normally excluded from access to public universities, seeking to build knowledge that will strengthen their organizations.

This is the last stage of the second class. February 13, students make the presentation of their completion of work, and on the 14th the political act of graduation with the presence of the university chancellor, Levi Carlos Antonio da Conceição.

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