MAB and FEA inaugurate project of agro-ecologic production in Barracão (RS)

Published in Portuguese on Thursday, 05/05/2011 – 10:49 The Movement of People Affected by Dam (MAB) next Saturday, will hold a public act of inauguration of the PAIS (Sustainable and […]

Published in Portuguese on Thursday, 05/05/2011 – 10:49

The Movement of People Affected by Dam (MAB) next Saturday, will hold a public act of inauguration of the PAIS (Sustainable and united agro-ecologic production) in the collective rural resettlement Primeira Conquista, in Barracão (RS).

The project is developed in partnership with the Foundation for Education and Association (FEA), an organization in association with Fundação Banco do Brasil (FBB) and foresees the implementation of 100 PAIS in peasants family areas struck by dams of the River Uruguay’s basin in the municipalities of Aratiba, Mariana Morro, Barracão, Esmeralda and Capão Alto.

According to Marco Antonio Trierveiler, agronomist engineer for MAB, the goal is to produce energy and healthy food in balance with nature. “Today’s energy policy of food production, based on the agribusiness is harmful to the Brazilian people, because it concentrates wealth in the hands of a few people and poisons the land, the water and the food. That is why projects such as the PAIS have the potential to promote food sovereignty among the peasant families, guaranteeing their income and tightening their bonds to the countryside”, says Trierveiler.

The PAIS project offers the productive grounds necessary for production and diversification of healthy food adequate according to the list of the National Company of Supply (CONAB) in their social programs, stimulating reduction in use of pesticides. In a recent research Brazil was pointed out as the greatest consumer of pesticides in the world, the country uses the equivalent of 5,5 liters per person.

Saturday’s activity will be held at 10 a.m. in the property of Albino Belentir, agricultor affected by Machadinho’s Dam and resettled in the community.

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