Antônio Quirino e Maria José

“ We are here in the battle because we are people affected and impaired by the Belo Monte dam. Not because we lived by the riverside, but because we lived […]

“ We are here in the battle because we are people affected and impaired by the Belo Monte dam. Not because we lived by the riverside, but because we lived in rented houses. Where we lived we paid 250 reais for the rent. Afterwards the rent went to 600 reais, and that value is my salary, so there was no way to pay the rent of the house we lived. So then came this housing allotment, and we are here so we can gain.”                   

Antonio Quirino, resident of the urban occupation Novo Horizonte, em Brasil Novo


“We have suffered a lot with the coming of the company Norte Energia, before the rent was cheap, we had to eat and had water to drink although very counted – but we had money to pay the rent. Now we can’t pay the rent any more. This is why we are here struggling today, because we need a house, because in the city of Brasil Novo we can not afford to pay rent any more – it is worse than in Altamira.” 

Maria José da Silva,resident of the urban occupation, em Brasil Novo

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| Publicado 21/12/2023 por Coletivo de Comunicação MAB PI

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