Why we should not celebrate the inauguration of Belo Monte
President Dilma Rousseff inaugurated yesterday (May 5) the Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu region, in the state of Pará. It will be the largest dam in the country after […]
Publicado 06/05/2016
President Dilma Rousseff inaugurated yesterday (May 5) the Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu region, in the state of Pará. It will be the largest dam in the country after the binational dam Itaipu. For the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), it’s not a date of celebration. Read five reason why:
1. There was no public participation at the conduction of the Belo Monte plant
The population, especially those affected never had real opportunities for participation and decision, within the pre-work (because the hearings were merely informative) or during construction. On the contrary, the consortium Norte Energia posture, the dam owner, was always difficult and criminalize the organization of those affected.
2. There were (and still are) huge rights violations
Belo Monte became an emblematic case of violation of human rights, recognized by the National Council for Human Rights. Even today, for example, there are families affected who are not recognized as affected and the problems caused by the dam are still there.
3. Until today there is no Policy of Rights for People Affected by Dams
For years the MAB has been fighting for the creation of a National Policy of Rights for People Affected by Dams because there is no law that guarantees these rights universally. Dilma’s government gave signals to sign the Policy, but sectors as the Ministry of Mines and Energy, have always boycotted this initiative. These sectors driven by the PMDB party left the government and are involved in the putsch process; but, the government still hasn´t signed this policy
4. The price of energy is expensive and will remain a theftWhile large consumers now receive power at price of cost, the Brazilian population pays one of the most expensive bills in the world. Belo Monte Construction will not guarantee the reduction of the household energy fee because it is established by the financial market, in a highly speculative process.
5. The Brazilian privatized energy model is at service for the financial capital and large private companies
The current energy model, which Belo Monte plant is part, benefits bankers, transnationals of the energy sector, large construction companies and suppliers of machinery and equipment, large consumers and international funds, while the Brazilian people are penalized. State serve as a wealth accumulation tool for private business groups.