Workers of Belo Monte support the struggle of those affected by dams

The workers of the Belo Monte hydro-power dam expressed their support to the struggle of the people affected by dams. March 13th the workers joined the highway blocking organized by […]

The workers of the Belo Monte hydro-power dam expressed their support to the struggle of the people affected by dams. March 13th the workers joined the highway blocking organized by those affected within the Journey of Actions of the Movement of the People Affected by Dams

The blockage occurred to stop the bus which takes workers of the city of Altamira to the construction site. According to Norte Energia, owner of the dam, 44% of the employees did not show up at the construction. The protest, organized by the MAB, demanded measures for improvements for the resettlement, right to land, housing, work, education and other rights which are violated because of the dam construction.

During the blockage the workers who were in the bus joined the protest. A minority who were in the bus passed through the blockage and walked to work in the construction area, they were booed at by those who stayed by the mobilization.

During this mobilization the workers also delivered a Letter denouncing the bad working conditions in Belo Monte. In the letter the workers accuse Belo Monte’s Consortia and the trade-union (Sintrapav) of making illegal closed agreements, which are unfavourable to the workers. One of these problems pointed by the workers is that the company stopped paying the “entinas” – time spent in the daily journey between the workers’ lodgement to the work-site and vice-versa-, the concealment committed by the company related to the death of laborers at the construction site, the work overindulgence and that the company stopped paying Christmas food baskets.

“We thank the support of the workers, we consider us comrades in struggle, we are also solidary to your cause, because you suffer inside Belo Monte’s construction site”, said Iury, of the MAB coordination during the activity.

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