MAB alert MPF on the status of Triangle neighborhood

After more than six months that the Santo Antonio dam caused landslides in the marginal slopes of the Madeira River, 120 families in the Triangle neighborhood are still living in […]

casaAfter more than six months that the Santo Antonio dam caused landslides in the marginal slopes of the Madeira River, 120 families in the Triangle neighborhood are still living in provisional hotels in Porto Velho (RO). The landslides occured after the opening of the floodgates of the dam.

Due to the occurrence, on February 3, a Term of Conduct Adjustment (TAC) between the State and Federal prosecutors, IBAMA, the IPHAN, the municipality of Porto Velho, the Coordinating State and Municipal Civil Defense Corps and Military Fire and Santo Antônio Energia SA company, builder of the plant, was signed. The TAC defines obligations of public agencies and the company relating to the affected families, the actions of environmental mitigation and restoration of historical heritage.

The removal of the families of the neighborhood was also motivated by an action in the Court of Rondônia. However, on July 25th,  Santo Antônio Energia SA company appealed the action. From documents submitted by the company, the judge of the 9th Civil Court, Roger Montai de Lima, “because the hazard is no longer existent” overturned the injunction and ordered “the families to return to their locations at the riverside where they lived before” setting the fulfillment of the measure within 48 hours.

The decision was directed to six families, but brought despair and insecurity for other homeless families. They were afraid of being kicked out of the hotels and forced to return to the neighborhood, without any conditions and support.

The next day, MAB met with Renata Baptista, Attorney of the Federal Public Ministry and passed on information about the situation of the families in the Triangle neighborhood, warning of the implications of the ruling. As a result, the MPE and MPF came into contact with the TJ, with considerations referenced in TAC. Then, the judge re-evaluated its decision making prevail precautionary action to protect families.

“This initiative of the Santo Antônio Energia configured a clear attempt to divert the company’s liabilities on the consequences generated by the collapse. Beyond, it is an open violation of the TAC, signed commitment by the company. So we took the information to the MPF” says Muniz Océlio, the State Coordination of MAB in Rondônia.

Still according to him, the families of the Triangle should be considered as “directly hit downstream” and incorporated with appropriate adjustments in the Relocation Program Affected Population, prioritizing resettlement (new housing). “The TAC is extremely important, but insufficient to ensure the participation and the rights of families. We must move forward” he concludes.

During the next week-end, part of the bank of the Madeira River, situated at the Triangle neighborhood, collapsed, distructing the river stones placed on site by  Santo Antônio Energia.

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| Publicado 21/12/2023 por Coletivo de Comunicação MAB PI

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