Militants completed the course “energy and society” at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Another group completed the course Energy and Society in Contemporary Capitalism, a partnership of MAB and the Institute for Urban and Regional Research and Planning (IPPUR) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro […]

Another group completed the course Energy and Society in Contemporary Capitalism, a partnership of MAB and the Institute for Urban and Regional Research and Planning (IPPUR) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with support from Eletrobrás. The graduation was held 14th of February.

Consisting of 22 social organizations from 10 countries in Latin America, Europe and Africa, the Simon Bolivar International Class encloses a study program of four steps. The intense program of study and living of the participants allowed important exchanges of experiences and deepening the alliance between rural and cityorganizations .

Said dean Prof. Pablo Cesar Benetti “The course represents what the university wants, diversity, different customs and accents, that deals with issues relevant to society and demonstrates the effort of workers to be educated at a university level.”

For Alexandre Farias, manager of the socio-environmental projects of Eletrobrás, the initiative of MAB demonstrates the efforts of the movement and its appreciation for education. Alexander also congratulated the letter MAB send to the Brazilian Electrical Sector Workers “a very interesting initiative because it is a sign of a dialogue that points to what we have in common, not only the differences and conflicts.”

Speaking on behalf of the trainees, Moses Bennett, member of the MAB in Minas Gerais, and Iara de Pina, member of the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST) in Parana expressed gratitude of the students towards all partners that made possible the realization of the course. They praised the conviviality and exchange of experiences, group work and the efforts of all militants participating in the course as a political task of fundamental importance to the struggle of the workers.

Josivaldo Joseph, a member of the national directory of MAB and of the political-pedagogical course, said “the Simon Bolivar Class was truly international, as it internationalized not only knowledge, but feelings, solidarity, challenges and difficulties.” Further noted that “after many debates there was a breakthrough in the process of unification, both in reading about the class struggle in Latin America and in understanding the role of energy as a central element in the political struggle in our continent and the world.” Josivaldo insisted that “knowledge should empower militants in every way possible, but all this accumulation must be transformed into the organization and struggle in all countries and in this sense, the Energy and Society course has helped immensely,” he said.

During the graduation ceremony, 50 certificates of extension and specialisation were handed to the students. Also present were Professor Debora Foguel, dean of research and graduate of UFRJ, Frederico Araujo, vice president of IPPUR as well as other members and fellows of the institute; Leandro Nogueira, director of the School of Physical Education and Sports, where students were housed and classes were held; Gustavo Castro of the Movement of People Affected by Dam and Defense of Rivers of Mexico, Edgar Gonçales, consul of Venezuela in Brazil ; Joba Alves, a representative of the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST), Goran Ek, from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, among other university professors and representatives of various movements.

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