MAB denounce the criminalization of the people affected by dams in Rondônia

On 20/10/2011, the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) attended a public hearing in the Congress to denounce the case of criminalization and harassment of the people affected by […]

On 20/10/2011, the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) attended a public hearing in the Congress to denounce the case of criminalization and harassment of the people affected by dams by the construction consortium of the Jirau hydroelectric plant in Rondônia. The hearing was organized by the National Committee to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents.

The case was reported by Norma Fonseca de Souza, a resident of the old district Mutum Paraná who was relocated to New Mutum Paraná district in due to the construction of the Jirau dam. In August this year, Norma and at least two affected were summoned to appear before the Superintendent of Federal Police in Porto Velho, “to provide clarification in the interest of justice”, referring to Police Inquiry No. 711/2010 – SR / DPF / RO .

Only after this intimidation, they were aware of the existence of an inquiry, whose content is related to the demonstration held in October 2010, with about 150 protesters, prohibiting the access to the construction site of the plant, near the highway BR 364. After 40 hours the demonstrators allowed the release of transit to the construction company. The families remained in place for 10 days, until the representatives of the company opened a negotiation process on November 5, establishing a schedule of meetings to discuss the list of demands presented at that time.

Questioning the motive of the inquiry, Norma received as answer that she was one of the leaders of a former demonstration that would have generated losses in excess of $ 1 million of the consortium of Plant Jirau.

After the withdrawal in the Congress, militants of MAB presented the organs of human rights documents that formalize the complaint and request that the Council of Defense of Human Rights makes a special visit in Rondonia to investigate the complaints and the situation of the people affected by dams in Santo Antonio and Jirau. In the document MAB also requests that the Federal Government, through the responsible agencies, have an immediate role in defending the right to freedom of expression, of movement, as well as the treatment to repair the economic losses, the social and cultural rights of the people affected by dams.

Finally, MAB requests an intervention of the organs of defense of human rights in the complaint in question to promote actions aimed at the immediate termination of all proceedings against the leaders in Rondônia and punishing companies and responsables. 

Read the submission here.

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