Via Campesina mobilizes in Pará

At the cities of Altamira, Tucuruí, Curionópolis, Eldorado do Carajás, Sapucaia and Marabá the highways are being blocked and public demonstrations are happening. Also at the cities of Parauapebas, Marabá, […]

At the cities of Altamira, Tucuruí, Curionópolis, Eldorado do Carajás, Sapucaia and Marabá the highways are being blocked and public demonstrations are happening. Also at the cities of Parauapebas, Marabá, Belém, Altamira e Tucuruí social movements are organizing with the workers of the cities actions to demand better life conditions.

“It is necessary to continue struggling so the rights of the workers can be conquered and so the peasants, riverside communities, indigenous peoples, peoples of the countryside and of the forests can be respected as well as their territories”, affirm local leaderships.

Via Campesina Pará demands agenda

1 – Agrarian Reform: immediate expropriation of areas where Landless families are encamped in João Canuto João Canuto (Sapucaia); Frei Henry (Curionópolis); Dalcídio Jurandir e Lourival Santana (Eldorado dos Carajás); Helenira Resende (Marabá) and Roseli Nunes (Tucumã).

2 – Programmes with the objective of healthy food production and of low cost for the population, by the principle of agroecology production;

3 – Suspending of all construction projects of new dams, on the Tocantins Rivers, Araguaia, Xingu and Tapajós.

4 – Guarantee of the rights of those affected by dams, where dams already have been built, where dams are being built and for the right to population to decide for the construction or not of new dam projects.

5 – Immediate reduction of electricity bills, as well as, immediate recovery of the electricity company of the state of Pará (CELPA/EQUATORIAL), giving priority to services of better quality for the population, accessible prices and electricity quality, and immediate suspending of dismissal of workers of this company.

6 – Immediate implementation of public policies for education, health, culture, leisure and housing, with the objective of economic human and social development on the areas of rural occupation, settlements, riverside communities areas, quilombolas and indigenous areas.



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