The Movement of People Affected by Dams holds the 2nd Meeting of The Affected People in Amazon Rainforest
The meeting in Belém precedes the 10th edition of Fospa and 300 affected people from the Amazon will attend it
Publicado 29/07/2022 - Atualizado 29/07/2022

This week, affected people from the multiple regions of the Amazon Rainforest will meet in the capital of resistance: the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) will hold the II Meeting of the Affected people from Amazon Rainforest, in Belém do Pará.
The activity will take place on the 27th and 28th of July on the campus of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and is part of the program linked to the X Pan Amazon Social Forum (FOSPA). With the lemma “Rooting resistance in defense of life and sovereignty”, the meeting will bring together hundreds of affected people from all states of the Brazilian Amazon and representatives of the PanAmazônia. It will also count on the presence of allied organizations to discuss forms of resistance and defense of the forest and its peoples.
“More than ever, in the face of the climate emergency, we affirm the importance of the forest for the future of our Common House. While capital devastates and presents false solutions, it is up to peoples and popular organizations to present a project to defend life for the region”, says Francisco Kelvim, from the MAB`s national coordination.
It will be present at the meeting, about 300 leaders affected by dams and other different contexts, such as waterway projects, mining, and deforestation in the nine states of the Amazon Rainforest.
See the schedule:
Veja a programação:
07/27/22 | 9h30 – Opening 10h to 12h30 – Amazon Rainforest Analysis of Reality Edmilson Rodrigues – Mayor of Belém (PSOL/PA) Prof. O Dr. Emmanuel Tourinho – Rector of UFPA Valdemar Poxo Munduruku – Chief of the indigenous village Poxo Muybu – TI Sawre MuyBu (Tapajós)Elisa Estronioli – MAB`s National Coordination 14h30 to 16h – Challenges of struggle and popular organization in Amazon RainforestProf. O Dr. Gilberto de Souza Marques – ICSA/UFPA Euci Ana da Costa – President of CUT/PA Iury Paulino – Nacional Coordination of MAB Padre José Boeing – Rede Eclesial Pan-Amazônica (Repam) 16h30 to 17h30 – Act in defense of Democracy and Release of the Brigades of Agitation and Propaganda for Lula President With the presence of personalities, congressmen, and cultural groups, counting with the greetings from the present organizations. |
07/28/22 | 8h30 to 10h30 – The resistance and struggle of affected people in defense of human rights in Amazon RainforestWith the presence of affected people from 9 states in Amazon and experiences of struggles in different contexts.Angélica Mendes – Chico Mendes CommitteeMaria José Ikatu – Coordination of the Quilombola Communities- ConaqAmarildo Macuxi – Leadership of the T.I. Raposa Serra do Sol, do Council Indígena de Roraima – CIRSilvio Roberto – Movement of People Affected by Dams – MAB 11h to 12h30 -Release of the Champaign for the national mark of human rights and companies 12h30 – Ended |