MAB fears another murder of leadership and demands investigations

MAB requires that the State carry out all necessary investigations and ensure the effective protection of the victims who have been threatened due to their actions as human rights defenders […]

MAB requires that the State carry out all necessary investigations and ensure the effective protection of the victims who have been threatened due to their actions as human rights defenders of the populations affected by the Madeira river dams.

Ana Flávia Nascimento is mother of four children and grandmother, she works as a nursing assistant at the health center located in the district of Jaci Paraná, in Porto Velho. The community is located between Jirau and Santo Antônio hydropower plants on the Madeira River and has been suffering cumulative impacts for at least 10 years, when the construction of the two large plants began.

Jaci is located in the reservoir formation area of ??the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant and since the beginning of the installation the families of the community have been affected by the filling and continuous expansion of the lake. Those affected report that areas of land have become flooded, the soil in many places remains soaked, compromising agricultural and agro-forest activities, the forest is dying with the expansion of the reservoir, fishermen and small garimpeiros (artisanal miners) have their activities of unstructured and elevation of the groundwater level caused the contamination of water sources for human consumption.

The Jirau plant is responsible for serious social impacts in the district, especially due to population expansion caused by migration, which has led to an increase in violence rates, especially against women and children, as well as an increase in the number of drugs addicts and residents living in the streets.

Flavia is well known for her active participation in the activities of the Movement of People Affected by Dams – MAB in defense of repair for the affected communities impacted by the power dams. But she has also been exposed to threats by those who are against this defense.

Flavia has been chased on the road for several times, while riding a motorcycle to Porto Velho. In one of those episodes, in 2016, a pickup truck tried to throw her off the road. She has also been followed and filmed in the community for more than once, including by a police officer. During a period of intense mobilization to prevent the expansion of the lake and the number of turbines at the Santo Antônio plant, before the social and environmental liabilities were repaired, Flavia’s house was invaded 3 times and in one a knife was left on her bed.

On the night of April 4, 2019, the house where she stayed with her grandchildren and children was surrounded by a Voyage car, two bikes and an individual on foot. When one of the bikes stood in the back of the house and the others approached the front gate the military police was called and the elements were dispersed. But no one was identified.

Jaci Paraná is a region of serious history of violence and agrarian conflicts. Where other leaders of MAB have been threatened and Nilce de Souza Magalhães, Nicinha, killed. Also where militias committed a massacre in 2011.

The threats against Flavia have already been presented to several state and federal authorities. On March 13, in Brasília, in a meeting between MAB and the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, Flávia reported the situation she has lived and a specialized follow-up was requested. MAB demands that the State carry out all necessary investigations and ensure the effective protection of the victims who have been threatened due to their actions as human rights defenders of the populations affected by the Madeira river hydro-power dams.

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