Solidarity note

On the night of December 8th we’re informed of the brutal killing of two comrades. Around seven o’clock at night four men invaded the encamped at the municipality of Alhandra […]

On the night of December 8th we’re informed of the brutal killing of two comrades. Around seven o’clock at night four men invaded the encamped at the municipality of Alhandra in the state of Paraíba and killed two activists of the Movement of Rural Landless Workers (MST) José Bernardo da Silva, known as Orlando and Rodrigo Celestino.

Another terrible and coward crime against those who struggle for a more just and equal country, who fight for a piece of land to live, to work and to give dignity to their families.

All our solidarity to the MST and family. For us, of the Movement of People Affected by Dams it’s also a big loss. Orlando was also affected by the Acauã dam. Orlando has been with us in several struggles in defense of the affected communities, rights until today denied.

That the combative spirit of our comrades feed our struggle against the privilege of those that steel our water and land. 

We demand justice, investigations and condemn of the killers and those involved.

For our dead not a minute of silence, but a whole life of fight!

Orlando and Rodrigo, presente!

National Coordination of MAB

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| Publicado 21/12/2023 por Coletivo de Comunicação MAB PI

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