Women, Doce’s River Resistance

300 women from the Doce River and Espírito Santo coastline affected by the crime of Samarco/Vale/BHP gathers in Mariana to report the violations during these three years since the tailings […]

300 women from the Doce River and Espírito Santo coastline affected by the crime of Samarco/Vale/BHP gathers in Mariana to report the violations during these three years since the tailings dam rupture, occurred in November 5th of 2015.

Photo of the Women's Encounter 3 years of injustice

Photo: Midia Ninja

“You, women, are very important. We build families and we shouldn’t give up on our fight. Together we can win”, says Vera,  with more than 300 participants of the “Encounter of Women and Children Affected from the Doce River”, held in November 4th and 5th..

The encounter gathers women affected by the tailings dam rupture of Samarco (Vale and BHP) from 30 municipalities of the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. They report the reality they live in since the Fundão dam rupture. Women and children affected reaffirms their struggle, the importance of union and organization in the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB).

“What I’ve build in 43 years with a lot of work and struggle, in 20 minutes the tailings mud came and destroyed everything. I felt like I was nothing and five days after that MAB came talking about rights and since then I’ve not stopped fighting, says Vera, from Barra Longa.

Overload, non-recognition and concerns

The crime of November 5th of 2015 (the Samarco’s dam rupture) have brought imaginable consequences, including overloading the responsibilities and tasks for the women affected in their work and in their duties caring for their family and home.

 Across the Doce Basin, women report their concern with the contamination caused by the tailings dam during these three years, responsible for increase of diseases, loss of source of income and community living.

“We already have so much work in our homes, and most of it is over our shoulders as women and now comes this mud to overload our work even more”, says Maria das Graças, from Barra Longa.

Although they are the main victims, as women, they are the least recognized by the Renova Foundation (foundation financed by the companies responsible for the tailings dam rupture).

Reports throughout the Rio Doce basin points to hundreds of cases of which only the loss of income of the men had some kind of compensation from the Renova Foundation, defrauding the entire income of the family and taking away women’s financial independence.

This is the case of Fabiana, from the state of Espírito Santo. “I worked with art-craft and fishing with my husband. Since the contamination of the mud, my husband an I lost our source of income. My husband now receives from the Renova Foundation monthly salary-aid thought the “card”, although we did not only lost his income, but also mine in our family. I’ve completely lost my financial autonomy. My income, I chose whether how to spend it, with my children, with the house items. Now I have to be asking my husband”, outrages.

Of the registrations made by women to access some kind of repair program, 70% of them are unanswered, while men had at least 50% average result. “We are independent yes, we work yes! We have the same rights as men, but Renova have until now only recognized the men. We used to fish, to wash our clothes, live by the river and the tailings mud is destroying our women,”denounces a women affected from the state of Espírito Santo.

Photo of the Women's Encounter 3 years of injustice

Struggle and Resistance

“Women never stop fighting”, as written in big letters at the front wall of the Encounter, the women affected reaffirm their commitment and confidence within the fight in MAB. During these three years, it’s uncountable the marches, manifestations, rallies, blockage of highways and railways assemblies and meetings. The women have always been at the front of their struggle.

“Yes I’m fighting for our rights, we have that right. I don’t want to take anything from someone else, I want rights for my children, which is my right. We will not be silenced by fear or anything. One little bird don’t’ win alone, but so many people here organized we can win”, claims Maria, affected from Espirito State.

Simone and Iolanda, from Barra Longa, shared at the Encounter their mobilization of 11 days, at the highway which gives acess to their city, as an example of perseverance. Don’t be afraid of Vale and Samarco. We have protested to defend our rights and with that we could be heard. We are going to the streets and to the fight. They can send intimidation towards us, but we should not be afraid. We are not criminals, Renova is” affirms Iolanda.

March 3 years

This activity is part of the march “Mud in the Doce River: 3 years of Injustice”, which runs along the 650-km stretch affected by the tailings mud, since the mouth of the Doce River to the coast of Espírito Santo. Until November 14, several actions will be carried out in 14 cities by the Doce Basin.

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