MAB’s declaration on the coup in Brazil
Brazil, May 12th. The coup in Brazil and the people affected by dams: The Brazilian people are victim of a coup against democracy.It is a scam that tries to remove […]
Publicado 13/05/2016
Brazil, May 12th.
The coup in Brazil and the people affected by dams:
The Brazilian people are victim of a coup against democracy.
It is a scam that tries to remove rights gained by the workers.
It is a coup of the rich against the working people, specially the poorest.
This coup will attempt to privatize and transfer the national wealth to large multinational companies. It is a coup to realign Brazil to neoliberalism and subservience to the US empire.
It is a coup against the sovereignty of our country.
This coup is led by the financial capital and transnational corporations, bankers, industrialists, politicians committed to the interests of big business, involved in corruption, and part of the rich state bureaucracy as the judiciary and police and supported by conservative sectors of society.
It is strongly influenced by business sectors of the media, especially Globo network and its affiliates, who have always been at the service of elites and the international capital.
The Brazilian people will know will fight to defeat the coup and it’s leaders.
We’ll come back as a free country.
The people affected by dams, who historically suffer violations of their rights due to the construction of large dams, violations which have its roots within the authoritarianism of the coup of 1964, know how to react and defeat the brutality of the elites. Now we will have a mission and we should be prepared to increase our strength and resistance.
To increase the resistance we should:
1. Enlarge en strength the Movement in Brazil
2. Intensify the legitimate struggle for the rights of those affected
3. Qualify the coordination with other organizations in the energy sector, as within the Workers’ and Peasants Energy Platform.
4. Participate and strengthen the Frente Brasil Popular Brazil and its articulation with other fronts, forums, networks and movements fighting for the same goal.
5. Expand the international articulation of people affected of other countries as well as partner organizations and entities. We are living an unprecedented and severe moment.
President Dilma, who was elected is now removed and we have now an illegitimate interim president. We are experiencing a time of national tension.
We will resist and we will build a free country which we dream for.
No to the coup. Temer out!