Campaign: Emergency Help for People Affected by flooding caused by dams in Rondonia and Para

The Brazilian state of Rondônia faces the worst flooding of its history. More than 13 000 people in Porto Velho and 14 other districts have had to leave their homes. […]

The Brazilian state of Rondônia faces the worst flooding of its history. More than 13 000 people in Porto Velho and 14 other districts have had to leave their homes. The situation is extremely critical, and some locations are completely under water. The floods destroyed houses, crops and belongings. Livestock and wild animals died or are stranded. Drinking water is rare and there is restricted access to food, mobility and health care.

The flooding in the Rio Madeira is worst after the illegal and uncontrolled increase of the reservoirs of the hydro-powers Jirau and Santo Antonio. This increase does not match to the agreement of the Environmental Impact Study and shows non-compliance with addendum raised by the federal prosecutors to avoid flooding. This situation is even more alarming because march is still season of intense raining in North of Brazil.

The Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) has no doubts on the impacts of both dams (Jirau e Santo Antônio) built in the Madeira river. Representatives of the Santo Antonio hydro-power dam said that the flooding took them by surprise. But, one of the conditioners for the license to build the dam is a program of climate monitoring. Communities which were never flooded before the dam are now under water. But the electric sector repeats that the problem is due to the weather.

The Federal Public Ministry, the Organization of Brazilian Attorneys and the Public Civil Defenceentered in civil suit last week at the federal court, requesting the suspension of the activities of the Hydroelectric Plants Jirau and Santo Antônio until further impact study. They demand that the dam consortium helps flood victims and pay compensation of more than 100 million reais for the collective damages.

The Movement of People Affected by Dams understands that it is necessary to mobilize the families to demand rights. We are visiting the shelters in Porto Velho and helping with donation of foodin Porto Velho and other affected communities. We are seeking for health support and we are making effort to register the affected families.

Altamira, in the state of Pará, also faces critical situation because of the flooding of the Xingu River. The inhabitants of the “Baixões” and of the Xingu river-shore are victims of the negligence of the government and the electric sector. Affected by the river and the rains families are sheltered in schools and more than 200 families are obliged to shelter in stalls at the Exposition Park of the city. The families are sure that the building of the dam, which is still in construction, have already impacted the river flow, this year rain season the flooding is worse than before. Many of these families affected by the flooding are registered for the resettlement and housing program due to the dam construction.  While the Belo Monte dam is being build in accelerated pace, the housing and resettlements for those affected by dams are delayed. This is one of the reasons families occupied the Jatobá resettlement last week, which is still partially in construction. Also in Altamira, many families are suffering with food shortage, MAB is also aiding with delivery of food.

We are asking for help to support the affected people, to support in mobilizations to demand rights and to help at this emergency with distribution of food, clothes, basic hygiene items and mattress.


Bank Account: Banco do Brasil – Agency: 2883-5 Current Account: 18806-9 – ANAB

CNPJ : 73.3164571000-83

Contact in Rondônia: Daniela: + 55 69 3213-4982

Contact in Altamira, Pará: + 55 93 9223-4531

Telephone National Secretary: + 55 11 33922660

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