Norte Energia continues stalling fishers of Xingu

On the morning of  Monday, 5 of August, hundreds of fishers from the cities of Gurupá, Porto de Moz, Souzel, Vitória do Xingu and Altamira,  with  the potter workers met […]

On the morning of  Monday, 5 of August, hundreds of fishers from the cities of Gurupá, Porto de Moz, Souzel, Vitória do Xingu and Altamira,  with  the potter workers met for an audience with Norte Energia,  owner of the Belo Monte dam, representatives of the Fishing Ministry and of the Governments House.

The audience is fruit of the mobilization of  July17 de julho, when fishers and potters blocked the Transamazônica highway and the entry to the work sites of the dam.

The purpose of the audience is to deal with the impacts that these categories are suffering on their activities since the construction of Belo Monte has started, and for a solution by the part of the consortium owner of the dam.

Around1500 fishers were present and wanted from the Norte Energia, among other demands, the construction of a harbour for loading and unloading of fish-equipped with cool storage and other tools relevant for the fishing activity, as well as financial compensation for the period they will be unable to have their fishing activity.

Among all demands the only one which Norte Energia had an immediate answer for is regarding the building of harbour in Altamira.

The compensation for the time unable for the fishing activity was discussed on August 5 with the presidents of the communities and their lawyers and lawyers and representatives of Norte Energia.

Other appointments made, are meetings in each municipality represented, so all demands regarding the fishers can be discussed according to each regional characteristics.

The President of the community of Vitória do Xingu, Diácono, in his initial speak said about the problems suffered by the fishing category. He said that since the construction started the category don’t fish anymore a specie named Piraíba.  According to Diácono, it was able to fish 60 to 70 piraíbas at each moon season, nowadays they can’t fish not even one of this specie and demand from the Norte Energia an explanation what happened and where is this specie of fish now.

“The fact is that Norte Energia already knew the agenda in advance, but did not bother to present a solution to the fishers. Men and women who have travelled from far away, having to face the river and then the road until arriving in Altamira, back to a definition of their lives, since the Norte Energia only managed a concrete schedule of more meetings,” said Fabiano Victoriano member of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB).

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