Indigenous leave pacifically the Belo Monte construction site

Source: Cimi With a deadline of 24 hours given by the federal judge Selene de Almeida, of the Federal Court of Region 1 – TRF-1, Brasília (DF), approximately 180 indigenous […]

Source: Cimi

With a deadline of 24 hours given by the federal judge Selene de Almeida, of the Federal Court of Region 1 – TRF-1, Brasília (DF), approximately 180 indigenous of nine groups affected by hydroelectric projects from the regions of the rivers Teles Pires, Tapajós and Xingu, decided to withdraw from the main construction site of the Belo Monte on the banks of the Transamazônica, Pará, in the evening of Thursday, 9.

 “Because we are here pacifically, we decided to leave pacifically. We show that we are no outlaws and we respect the Justice decision.  We hope to show that our attitude means we are open for dialogue, explained Valdenir Munduruku in a collective interview to the journalists at the entry of the construction site.

Around the indigenous leadership, more than hundred indigenous, who for a week occupied the construction site, one of the strongest protests against the plant, demanded that the federal government consults the communities affected by the hydropower plants that the federal government intends to build in the Amazon –  This is part of the agenda that motivated the occupation. Contrary to the ILO Convention 169 and the Federal Constitution, Lula and Rousseff began to perform large constructions without consulting the affected communities.

“We are not leaving because of any agreement. We will leave here because since when we got here the minister did not come to dialogue with us. (On the contrary) wrote many lies on the internet about us” said Cândido Mundurukú, president of the Pusuru Association. The indigenous made ??it clear they will not abandon the agenda of struggle against dams in the Amazon and for the previous consultation with the affected people.

Valdenir and Cândido emphasized that the group leaves “revolted in relation to the federal government” that instead of sending the Minister Gilberto Carvalho to dialogue, the government sent the National Force and the Federal Police. The indigenous were curtailed and impeded of contact with their lawyers, the press; agents of the National Force barred even the entry of food.

At the end of last night, Wednesday, 8, the federal judge Selene granted a request of repossession done by ten lawyers Norte Energia S A. Today, the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) of Pará called for the suspension of reintegration. Selene kept the decision on reintegration, but recognized the movement as peaceful and dispatched 24 hours for the indigenous to leave the occupation.

Militarization and dangerous relations

Around 80 to 100 policemen of the National Force have been present at the construction site occupied by the indigenous.  At the end of the evening of Thursday 9 the federal attorney Thais Santi came to the construction site and noted that violence would only occur if the reinstatement occurred.

According to report of the head of the Federal Police in Altamira (PA) the indigenous were threatening about 3000 workers, which would justify reinstatement. However, in contradiction, the press reported acts of solidarity of the workers of the plant with the indigenous movement.

In statement the Federal Public Ministry of Pará showed concern about the conduct of the operation of repossession, “since the head of the Federal Police in Altamira, responsible for the report made ??to the court, is married to the attorney of Norte Energia SA Callegaro Felipe Pereira Fortes author of the request for repossession. At the report done to TRF1, the attorney quotes the report of the Federal Police, signed by his wife”; says the note.

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