Affected by dam Sobradinho occupy the highway BA210

In the early hours of Wednesday, March 13, about thousand people affected by the dam of Sobradinho occupied the BA 210, the highway that connects the city of Paulo Afonso […]

In the early hours of Wednesday, March 13, about thousand people affected by the dam of Sobradinho occupied the BA 210, the highway that connects the city of Paulo Afonso to Sento Sé, Bahia. The protesters claim the social responsibility of CODEVASF, CHESF and the Brazilian state with the agenda of those affected by the dam Sobradinho. A key demand is the right to water. The demonstration is part of the National Day of struggles of the Movement of People affected by Dams (MAB), which occurs anualy during the week of March 14, regarded as the International Day of the fight against dams, and for rivers, water and life.

For over 30 years, affected populations by Sobradinho were expelled from the river São Francisco and relocated to areas without any structure and suffering the grave consequences of the drought in the Brazilian northeast region. “When we arrived in the new areas, we had no homes, we slept under canvas for about six months. With great difficulty we build our houses because the company gave nothing. Women have to seek for water three kilometers away and making food was much suffering and still suffer because running water never arrived” complained Mrs. Josefa, community Brejo de Fora, a city of Sento Se.

There is a project of the Valley Development Company of San Francisco and Parnaíba (CODEVASF) to supply water, but the locals emphasized that so far it is only promise. “We are paying up to 150 BRL to have a water truck, this life is very difficult” blurted Dona Josefa.

The case of the Sobradinho dam in northern Bahia is a historical case of human rights violations. Said the coordinator of MAB, Fernanda Rodrigues “It is unacceptable that families evicted from the river for the power plant, that generates much wealth, live in this misery. Water is the source of life and a right for all, many families do not have money to buy food because the have to pay for water, that is unacceptable. CHESF, CODEVASF and the Brazilian state must assume their social responsibility”.

As a result of the ocupation, an audience with CODEVASF was agended. The communities remain mobilized until the promises are attented.

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