People affected by the dam Samuel proceed in negotiations

After blocking the highway 364 BR for 8 hours by more than three hundred people affected by the dam Samuel on August 22 in Rondonia, the board of Eletronorte agreed to accept a commission of […]

After blocking the highway 364 BR for 8 hours by more than three hundred people affected by the dam Samuel on August 22 in Rondonia, the board of Eletronorte agreed to accept a commission of 10 people affected by dams for an audience in Brasilia on August 31.

The government of Rondonia state is committed to work together with MAB in this negotiation process, with representation of the the Civil and Military Ministry and the State Secretary of Agriculture. The coordination of MAB welcomes the alliance, the fact that the government has positioned itself favorably is very important that will give more weight to the audience while also assuming commitments to the affected region. The meeting will have participation of the board of Eletronorte Eletrobrás and Aneel, as well as representatives of MAB and the federal government.

Among the main points of the claim is the conclusion of an agreement of Eletronorte and Eletrobrás with MAB on the lowering of the electricity cost for municipalities and communities in the region affected by the Samuel Hydroelectric Power Plant. Since its construction in 1989, the energy generated does not supply the nearby areas such as the rural zone Jamary Candeias and the cities of the Itapuã do Oeste and Cujubim. Many families suffer from the frequently blackouts, causing production losses and loss of electrical equipment.

Also on the agenda are a recovery and development plan for the municipalities affected by the dam, involving the areas of culture, education, production and infrastructure, the resettlement of 800 families registered by INCRA in the state and actions to strengthen the fisheries and aquaculture in the region. With regard to the settlements, the affected people charge that it must meet the requirements of the conditions of the model historically defended by MAB. Already with regard to fishing, they charge structures for processing and marketing of fish, implementation of experimental projects and deployment of tank networks.

“The construction of the plant Samuel left a huge social debt. For instance, the city of Itapuã who became chaotic. We eplained the situation with president Dilma in early July and now require advances by the government”said Muniz Océlio, coordination of MAB.

The Movement had already blocked the highway at the end of March this year charging measures by Eletronorte and actions by the Brazilian state to resolve the social debt with the families affected by the construction of the plant of Samuel. The revival of the protest in the same place is a demonstration of the dissatisfaction with the outcome of the negotiations with the company.

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