Movements mobilize themselves in defense of Brazil’s water

Published in Portuguese on Friday, 24/06/2011 – 20:23 The process of water privatization is a reality in Brazilian cities of great and medium size. Aware of this situation, the Movement […]

Published in Portuguese on Friday, 24/06/2011 – 20:23

The process of water privatization is a reality in Brazilian cities of great and medium size. Aware of this situation, the Movement of the People Affected by Dams (MAB) organizes the International Seminar: Political Panorama on the water issue. The event will be held at the School of Physical Education and Sports of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), on the 20th and 21st of July.

During the event, the participants will discuss about the current projects which aim to turn water into a commodity and privatize it in different countries, such as Italy, Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil and also with different sectors such as mining, agriculture, sanitation, among others. Another goal of the seminar is to provide space to exchange experiences surrounding the struggles against privatization of water, thus strengthening the networking between the participating organizations to mobilize in favor of water as a public good.

At the seminary will be participating social movements, networks, representatives of universities and guests from Brazil and other countries of Latin America, Europe and Africa. The leaderships of the MAB think it is necessary that the issues related to water be more public by the day and of knowledge of the working class. This concern comes from the finding that the companies which are entering the process of water privatization are the same ones that control the electric sector, for example, Odebrecht and Suez.

“We should understand the water issue nowadays in an international context, in which the process of privatization strides. The private enterprise through major corporations is acquiring ownership of the rivers by building dams, hydrobusiness, and through river transportation, water sources for bottling (for the trade of mineral water), and for urban supply, by sanitation”. States Gilberto Cervinksi, of the Movement’s national coordination.

The International Seminar: Political panorama on the water issue is prior to the 3rd Part of the Course on Energy and Society in Contemporary Capitalism, a partnership between the MAB and the Institute for Research Urban and Regional Planning (IPPUR) of UFRJ.

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