More than 1000 members of social movements and trade unions participate on December the 8th in an act for the National Renewal of Concessions of the Electricity Sector in Florianópolis (SC). On the same date the campaign “All for Energy – Privatization is no solution” and the manifest: “Renew now, Brazil can not stop!” were launched.
In 2015 the concessions of the Brazilian electric sector will expire. The not renewal will cause the end of mostly public companies to use almost 20% of generating capacity, about 80% of transmission lines and more than 35% of total energy distribution.
Among the participants were the president of the State Electricity Company (CEEE) of Rio Grande do Sul, representing the Governor Genro, directors of Eletrosul and Selesc, and militants of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), MST and trade unions, such as Synergy, FNU, CUT, FUP, Metallurgical and Sindágua. Workers of Eletrosul manifested for the renewal of the concessions. If the concessions are auctioned or privatized, their working conditions will become worse.
The Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), which operates in the campaign, attended. MAB is also in favour of the renewal of the concessions of the generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy. If not, private companies in the electricity sector will claim ownership over the wealth of the Brazilian people.