Contribute to the struggle of those affected!

The dam rupture of the mining tailings dam of Fundão occurred in November 5th at the municipality of Mariana (MG) gained international repercussion. The foretold tragedy, due to Samarco’s (joint […]

The dam rupture of the mining tailings dam of Fundão occurred in November 5th at the municipality of Mariana (MG) gained international repercussion. The foretold tragedy, due to Samarco’s (joint venture of  Vale/ BHP Billiton) negligence is the worst environmental crime in Brazilian history, also responsible for the death and disappearance of dozens of people.

After one month of the disaster, the mainstream media already shows its tendency in using its usual practice, its oblivion. And as always the company will try by all forms deny rights, individualize and make the victims of this disaster more fragile, to “spend” as less as possible.

By this, it’s necessary to build a strong movement of the people affected, we know it can take years the struggle to demand repair of the rights violated.

Photo of MAB

Photo: Joka Madruga

The Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) is a national organization which work in over 18 Brazilian states and already have been working over one decade at the Rio Doce Basin. With this disaster a brigade of people affected by dams of other states and of other regions of Minas Gerais are in the region affected by the rupture of the dam to support the organizative process of people affected, which will extend for years.

This intensification of this work will demand extra resources to sustain this work of the movement, which we had not foreseen.

That’s why we would like to ask the help of all that understand that what will guarantee rights is the organization of the people affected.

To donate:

Banc account information:

IBAN code:  BR2800000000012280000614726C1

Agency: 1228-9
Curent account .: 61472-6
Banc: Banco do Brasil

Name of account holder: Associação Estadual de Defesa Ambiental e Social

(Association of Minas Gerais of Enviromental and Social Defence)


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