People took the streets of Sao Paulo to defend democracy on Friday 13th

The people went to the streets on last Friday 13th in defense of the working class, democracy and Political Reform, the Paulista Avenue was small for so many people MAB, […]

The people went to the streets on last Friday 13th in defense of the working class, democracy and Political Reform, the Paulista Avenue was small for so many people

MAB, Movement of People Affected by Dams were also present in the struggle side by side with the comrades of MST (Movement of Landless workers), FUP (Unitarian Federation of Petrol Workers), CUT (Unitarian Central of Trade-unions), CTB (Central of Workers of Brazil), UGT (General Union of Trade-unions, NCST (New Central of Workers Trade-union), CSB (Central of Brazilian Trade-Unions), UNE (National Students Union), CMP (Central of Popular Movements), FAF (Federation of Workers of Family Agriculture), MNPR ( National Movement of Homeless Populations) and Popular Youth Uprise.

People at the mobilization on March 13th

According to MAB, all possible involved in allegations of corruption must be punished, but we must not let that opportunists seize from the Brazilian people its richness represented by Petrobras and especially the pre-salt.

“The imperialists have their eyes on our petrol, they always have, but at this moment they are taking opportunity of this situation of crisis. The Brazilian right-wing and in particular the media are using the Operation “Lava-Jato” (operation of corruption investigation at Petrobras) to justify a process of coup against democracy and Petrobrás, with the goal of privatizing Petrobras. We know that to defend Petrobrás means to defend the company that most invest in Brazil – more than R$ 300 million per day – and which represent 13% of the National GPD. It means to defend more employment and technological advances. It is to defend a more just and equal country,” says Liciane Andrioli, of MAB’s coordination.

Around 3 p.m started the march through Paulista Avenue, where the teachers of the state of São Paulo summed to the march, they have decided in assembly on the 13th to start a strike to demand their rights and better conditions for the education of the state.

Another important issue of the agenda is the struggle for a exclusive constituent for a Political Reform.

Photo people on march holding banner "the people are not stupid, Globo go away"

Representatives of the Youth Popular Uprise present at the act defend that to curtail corruption of politicians and entrepreneurships it is necessary to convoke a exclusive constituent for a Political Reform to end corporate fiancing at electoral campaigns. Democracy must represent the People. It must not that companies entice candidates and politicians to serve as representatives of the companies interests at the expense of the needs of the people.

The act also had the character to demand from the government, against the cuts made earlier this year through the MPs 664 and 665, which restrict access to unemployment insurance, salary bonuses, death pension and sickness allowance. Also, people have demanded the cancel of the high prices of energy.

Protesters march followed to the Consolação Street and ended at the Republica square.

For Luiz Dalla Costa, from the national coordination of MAB: “For MAB, in particular, it is gratifying to see so many people fighting for the good of our country during the week of March 14th, when the people affected by dams struggle and celebrate the international day of struggle in defense of the rivers. MAB is aware that currently we are facing a delicate and hard situation and it require that all from all popular movements work hard to avoid any regression in our country.”

It is estimated that more than 100.000 people attended the event in São Paulo this March 13th.

In more than 22 cities of 17 states of Brazil mobilizations of this agenda were held at the same day.

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