On December the 14th women affected by dams organized in MAB held a meeting in Jaguaretama, state of Ceará, in order to strengthen their struggles and identity. It was the second meeting of the women affected this year.
These meetings are being held in most states where the MAB is organized in order to encourage women to be active in political processes, strengthen the organization and conduct grassroots groups.
During the meeting in Jaguaretama, the participants made a historical study of women in the capitalist society, the different forms and methods of exploitation of women, sexually, at work or at home. They also planned their own list of demands, their struggles and processes of formation and organization in each community or resettlement.
The activist Maria Jose said that to be part of a state coordination of MAB and coordinate grassroots group requires a lot of responsibility, but participating “is to become free in word and deed.” “I’m much safer after that meeting, we are stronger and independently in all aspects of life. Only in the MAB this was possible, now we are real women and real militants” added.