Note in defense of the indigenous territories of Rio Grande do Sul

No to the privatization of the dams of the State Company of Electric Energy – (CEEE – G)

We, indigenous, traditional and riverine peoples, affected by dams in Amazon Rainforest, gathered in Belém do Pará on July 27 and 28 for the 2nd Meeting of People Affected by Dams in Amazonia, learned from the press that the State Government of Rio Grande do Sul has shown itself to be incompetent in managing indigenous territories and now wants to privatize them along with 14 hydroelectric dams through the auction of the Companhia Estadual de Energia (State Electric Energy Company) – CEEE – G.

This situation revolts us even more when, among those interested in buying the territories of our relatives, are private companies that do not have the capacity to manage dams, especially when it involves protecting and creating a safe and healthy environment for the indigenous people who live around these lakes.

We, the peoples of the Amazon Rainforest, especially the indigenous peoples, who have resisted violence and extermination for more than 500 years, demand that the State Government of Rio Grande do Sul be responsible and immediately suspend the CEEE – G auction and this violent attack on our Ka’aguy Poty, Mbyá Guarani and Kaingang relatives.

Here in the Amazon Rainforest we are engaged in great struggles against the threat of mining, logging, and the big dams. We fight against extermination and for the demarcation of our lands. At this moment we feel the pain of our relatives from the south, who, already almost landless, suffer this additional threat and the risk of being at the mercy of large private companies, as happens with so many peoples here, who are not even recognized as affected.

Our struggle is one, the struggle of the relatives in the south is added to ours and together we will continue resisting! We say no to the privatization of CEEE – G and require the Government of Rio Grande do Sul to immediately suspend the auction of the dams.


– Valdemar Poxo Munduruku (Povo Munduruku ) – Cacique da Aldeia Poxo Muybu – TI Sawre MuyBu (Tapajós)

– Amarildo Macuxi –( Povo Macuxi)  Liderança da T.I. Raposa Serra do Sol, do Conselho Indígena de Roraima – CIR

-Lazaro Wapichana – ( Povo Wapichana) –

MAB Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens

MAR – Movimiento de Afectados por Represas  – Internacional

MPA – Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores

MCP – Movimento Camponês Popular

CMP – Central de Movimentos Populares

Levante Popular da Juventude

Consulta Popular

FETAGRI – Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura – PA

CONTAG- Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura PA

Quilombo do Icatu

Quilombo do Tambai Açu

FEQUIPA- Federação das comunidades quilombolas do estado do Pará

SINTEP- Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e das Trabalhadoras em Educação Pública do Pará TV

MST- Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra

Rede Juruena Vivo – Mato Grosso

ICV- Instituto Centro e Vida- Mato Grosso

OPAN- Operação Amazônia Nativa

Fórum Teles Pires

CIR -Conselho Indigenista de Roraima

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