MAB denounces corporate impunity at the UN Human Rights Council

Foto: Victor Barro / Amigos de la Tierra The Movement of People Affected by Dams, MAB is present with the international campaign “Stop Corporate Impunity” in Geneva since October 12th  […]

Foto: Victor Barro / Amigos de la Tierra

The Movement of People Affected by Dams, MAB is present with the international campaign “Stop Corporate Impunity” in Geneva since October 12th  until the 19th debating for a International Treaty that regards Human Rights violations committed by transnational corporations. 

In Brazil, corporations benefits from several mechanisms of corporative state capture to escape from its labor, social and environmental responsibilities and affected people’s rights.

The most emblematic case is Vale’s impunity related to the criminal mining tailings dam bursts occurred in Mariana (2015) and Brumadinho (January this year) in the state of Minas Gerais.

The discussions of the Treaty happens at the UN Human Rights Council, which is presided by Ecuador’s government. The same government that is now committing several violations in its country at the repression of its people, that are resisting against the economic restrictions of the governments agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Ecuador this year has withdrawn in several propositions made in former sessions, presenting now a text for the Biding Treaty that does not make direct obligations towards companies.

MAB believes that human rights is a responsibility of the States, but we know that transnational corporations have several mechanisms of corporate capture and controls over its appliance  regarding human rights, seeking to evade from its responsibilities, leaving the victims relying only to their access to justice.  For MAB, Human Rights must be prior to any economic agreement and  reaffirms the urgency to create an instrument that overcomes the asymmetry of powers between the victims (the people) and corporations.

The Brazilian government has taken the position in not supporting the presence of civil society at the UN Councils and supports that corporations should not have any direct obligation regarding Human Rights.

In parallel, the Brazilian Minister Damares is proposing a seminar named National Plan of Actions that is totally opposed to the binding treaties.

It means that only with a big effort and pressure of civil society that the objectives of the Treaty will be attended, which for originates the International Campaign. It’s important that no false solutions are created within international instances.

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| Publicado 21/12/2023 por Coletivo de Comunicação MAB PI

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