MAB opens photographic and audio-visual calling

  “(…) Minas que te quero Minas que te perco e torno a ganhar-te com seres metal diluído em genes, com seres aço de minha couraça, Minas que me feres […]


“(…) Minas que te quero

Minas que te perco

e torno a ganhar-te

com seres metal

diluído em genes,

com seres aço

de minha couraça,

Minas que me feres

com pontiagudas

lascas de minério (…)”

Fragment of Mineral chant, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, 1974.


Following the recurrence of the mining dam rupture, with Vale’s crime in Brumadinho in Minas Gerais, a time bomb has been revealed, since there are several dams at risk of collapse in the region. Affected communities have lived with pain, fear, contamination as well as with the business companies neglect.

To symbolize the four years of Vale / Samarco / BHP crime in Mariana (November 5) and one year of Vale’s crime in Brumadinho (January 25), the Movement of People Affected by Dam (MAB) promotes the “Struggle Journey of People Affected by Dams: Vale Destroys, People Build” with several actions in Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, and all over the country – between October 2019 and January 2020.

The journey purpose is to denounce the crimes consequences over People’s lives and not to allow these crimes to be forgotten. We also aim to recover the meaning of the word hope, strengthening our struggle, our organization and the affected families. We wish to take distinct perspectives to everywhere we reach.

About the Calling

In this context, MAB calls on photographers and filmmakers from Brazil and around the world to share their jobs about the life and the crimes in the Doce and Paraopeba rivers, as well as on the municipalities affected by rupture threats, such as Barão de Cocais, Itatiaiuçu, Congonhas and others.

The call includes three modalities: Individual Photo, Photo Essay and Short Film. To participate, you can submit entries for any of the categories, as well as in all three of them.

The individual photos selected will be part of a collective exhibition that will be launched on November 5, 2019, demarcating 4 years from the Crime in the Doce River, and will tour Brazil, and other countries of the continent that are part of the Movement of People Affected by Dam in Latin America (MAR).

The selected essays and the audio-visual productions will be part of the exhibition installation, which will happen along the Water Festival, a cultural event that will take place in March 2020 in Belo Horizonte, where photographic essays will be projected, and short films will be screened.

Call opening: September 24th.

Closing: October 9th.

Registration via web form: 


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