People Affected by dams sign a cooperation agreement with Office of the Prosecutor General body to report violations of rights

First popular movement to sign the agreement, MAB is still campaigning to alert the consequences of Vale’s crime On Tuesday (12), the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) signed […]

First popular movement to sign the agreement, MAB is still campaigning to alert the consequences of Vale’s crime

Photo MAB signing the agremeent

On Tuesday (12), the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) signed a cooperation agreement with the Office of the National Ombudsman, an organ linked to the Office of the Prosecutor General.

The term is a partnership between the State and the movement to report allegations of violations and persecutions regarding the fight for human rights developed by MAB in different regions of the country.

Signed in the figure of the prosecutor Debora Duprat, the MAB representative to sign the document was Josivaldo Alves de Oliveira, from MAB’s Coordination in Ceará.

“It was a very positive conversation, we are the first social movement to sign this term; politically, we consider it an advance because it is a way of our popular force to find an official space of accompaniment “, points Josivaldo.

There are six clauses in which the body undertakes to carry forward the information passed by the movement. According to the coordinator of the MAB, the prosecution committed to rooting the term in all the regional offices.

In the Senate, members of the MAB handed over to the president of the Human Rights Commission, Senator Paulo Paim (PT), the dossier produced with information about the crime in Brumadinho (MG) and also the agenda of the “International Day against dams, for the rivers, water and life”, which is celebrated annually on March 14.

In Brasilia, next Thursday (14), people affected by dams will attend the public hearing of the External Commission on the crime of Vale in Congress and also a hearing in the Committee on Environment.

Vale doesn’t comply with agreement

Photo MAB front of Justice department

Photo: Joka Madruga


Even after signing the payment of emergency aid, in a hearing held at the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais, no penny was allocated to those affected by the rupture of the Córrego do Feijão dam.

“Vale presented the authorities with a form in which people would have to sign to receive the financial aid, but at the end of the document, they would affirm that they are not affected; this is the level of arrogance of this company that is trying to cheat”, said Joceli Andreoli, on the occasion of a second hearing with Vale in the Justice Court last week, when nothing concrete was defined.  

An upcoming meeting is scheduled for March 21, when Vale is required to present a timeline for payment. April 4 is the deadline for the company to present the payment flow of the emergency aid for all those affected people already defined by the judge.


Read below the free translation of the official note and link at the official’s webpage:

Nota da Procuradoria Federal dos Direitos do Cidadão:

Office of the National Ombudsmansigns cooperation agreement with Movement of People Affected by Dams

03/13/2019 13:02

Protocol will focus on allegations of violence, persecution and other arbitrary actions against populations impacted by these developments in Brazil

Contribute to guaranteeing the rights of populations impacted by the construction and operation of dams in Brazil – especially with regard to protection of life, dignity, housing, social function of property and freedom of expression and association. 

This is the goal of a cooperation agreement signed this Tuesday between the Office of the National Ombudsman (PFDC in the acronym in Portuguese / Office of the Prosecutor General) and the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB in the acronym in Portuguese).

The protocol establishes the monitoring and confrontation of reports of violence, persecution and other forms of arbitrary action against activists and communities affected by these enterprises in the country – such as farm workers, fishermen, riverine, indigenous and traditional communities.

“The proposal is to ensure protection in the fight for rights that are guaranteed in the Federal Constitution. This collaboration also aims to mobilize Ombudsman’s Offices throughout the country, strengthening a network to deal with violations arising from energy and mining projects”. said Federal Ombudsman, Deborah Duprat.

José Josivaldo de Oliveira, the representative of the national coordination of the MAB, highlighted the initiative of the Office of the National Ombudsman and emphasized that these violations occur through a model that prioritizes financial capital to the detriment of human dignity. “These are projects implemented without the proper participation of the communities involved – in actions that victimize peasants and traditional communities in Brazil, but also in countries such as Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala”.

The term of cooperation between Office of the National Ombudsman and MAB provides for the collection, analysis and systematization of information on the framework of threats and violence, as well as establishing a channel for receiving and due institutional referral of complaints related to the topic.

According to the commitment established, the information will be analyzed by the Federal Prosecution Service (MPF in the acronym in Portuguese), who will adopt the appropriate measures – such as notifying those responsible, forwarding the case to the competent unit within the MPF or even filing the complaint.

The term of cooperation is valid for 12 months and may be canceled or extended, as long as there is interest between the parties.

International day of struggle against damsNext Thursday, March 14, is celebrated the International Day of Struggle against Dams. The date marks the mobilization in the five continents in defense of the rivers, water and life. In Brazil, in addition to mobilizations in at least 20 states, the Federal Senate holds a public hearing to discuss the safety of dams, focusing on recent tragedies in the cities of Mariana and Brumadinho, both in Minas Gerais. In addition to the Movement of People Affected by Dams, the dialogue will count on the participation of the Office of the National Ombudsman.

Communication and Information Office

Office of the National Ombudsman (PFDC/MPF in the acronym in Portuguese)

Phone: +55 (61) 3105 6083/694

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