People affected by dams re-occupy Vale’s railway against the coup and in defense of rights

In the afternoon of this Tuesday (12/04), people affected by dams retakes the struggles for rights in Aimorés (MG), which last took place March this year. They speak out against […]

In the afternoon of this Tuesday (12/04), people affected by dams retakes the struggles for rights in Aimorés (MG), which last took place March this year. They speak out against the hydroelectric and mining exploratory model. In the struggle of March, the inhabitants who depend on the Rio Doce for water supply – consumption and production – demanded for the National Policy of Rights to People Affected by Dams, denounced the high electricity bill which the Brazilian workers have to pay monthly. And in particular, to denounce that the tragedy in Mariana is an environmental and social crime.

Photo of the ocupation

The agenda of the people affected by dams charges from the government and the companies responsible for the crime occurred in November 2015 – Samarco (Vale/BHP)- to review the agreement signed by both parties. The Movement of People Affected by Dams identified in the agreement 23 points that violate the rights of those affected, for example, exclusion of participation of families in decisions about their lives. In addition an agreement without the presence of the protagonists, the people affected, may result that the mining company will continue the ore extraction in the region.

The people affected by dams also denounce the private funding campaign that makes the political system committed to large companies and not to the agendas that regards the people’s interests. In this moment, in which natural water resources, minerals and energy are at stake, you can see how the power of Vale, which funded several campaigns, influence the Congress and aggravates the political crisis.

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