Historical Victory in Rio Grande do Sul: Rights Policy for those affected by dams

This Monday (23) a decree was signed which establishes the State Policy for People Affected by Hydroelectric Projects in Rio Grande do Sul. The assignment of the decree was signed […]

Photo - People Affected by Dams with flags in the streets

This Monday (23) a decree was signed which establishes the State Policy for People Affected by Hydroelectric Projects in Rio Grande do Sul. The assignment of the decree was signed by the Estate Governor, Tarso Genro, in the Piratini Palace in Porto Alegre, on Monday, 23st of June.

Rio Grande do Sul is the first Brazilian state to create a legal framework that recognize universal rights for those affected by hydroelectric projects in the state. The elements that make this fact a victory are: a wide legal concept of “affected” by dam, the recognition  that “all the region” is affected, the legal recognition of different rights achieved historically by MAB and the creation of a state institution with the participation of those affected in order to monitoring and implementing the policy, among others.

MAB expects that this initiative made by Rio Grande do Sul government, serves as an example and constitutes a drive for the federal government to create material and objective conditions to the assignment of the National Policy of Rights for People Affected by Dams (PNAB), amplifying this rights to all those affected by dams in Brazil. This national policy is being negotiated with the Federal Government, but is not yet approved.

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