People affected by dams from Pará state pressure the minister

This affternoon (3), at the National Meeting of MAB, in Cotia-SP, the people threatened by the planed hydropower complex on the River Tapajós, Pará state, pressed the minister of the […]

This affternoon (3), at the National Meeting of MAB, in Cotia-SP, the people threatened by the planed hydropower complex on the River Tapajós, Pará state, pressed the minister of the General Presidency Secretariat, Gilberto Carvalho.

They required the revocation of the hydropower projects and the removal of the National Force of Tapajós. The army has intimidated the locals, who resists the construction.

An another demand is the posture of the State about the construction of the complex. “We don’t want to be invited by the government to discuss the construction after it has been build, when the disaster has already happened. We have the right to say no to the dam, we don’t want to leave our community”, said José Odair, from Pimental community. The region is foreseen as the construction site of the hydropower plants from São Luiz do Tapajós, one of the five plants expected for this river.

One of the deals made is a meeting between the minister and the affected people organized by MAB. The date will happen this week with the General Presidency Secretariat.

Affected people by Belo Monte require the presence of the Minister

Maria das Graças, affected by Belo Monte, made an intervention during the minister’s speech and she demanded him to visit Altamira and see himself the daily reality of the affected people by Belo Monte dam. “The government and the enterprise are telling that the houses offered by Norte Energia are good, but we do not agree can. So, we ask him to come and take a look at the houses and check in what really precarious conditions they want us to live .”

The minister compromised to visit the area in October.


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