About Jirau

Since September of the year 2000 – with the initiative of the former president Fernando Henrique – the plan of the hydroelectric plants on the Rio Madeira have gained more […]

Since September of the year 2000 – with the initiative of the former president Fernando Henrique – the plan of the hydroelectric plants on the Rio Madeira have gained more force. Later on the Lula Government assumed the plan as one of the main projects of energy generation of his government.

Through a public sale the power plants of Santo Antônio and Jirau was sold in December of 2008. The construction companies of the hydro-electrics will have 30 years of concession and right to sell the electricity generated by the constructions. Their gain from the sale of energy will be in average of 92 billion during 30 years. Every day the two plants will gain in average 4 million dollars from the sale of energy.

River: Madeira

Municipal: Porto Velho

State: Rondônia

Region: North of Brazil

Concessionaires: At first the consortium “Energia Sustentável do Brasil” is composed by the companies GDFSuez (50,1%), Camargo Corrêa (9,9%), Eletrosul (20%) and Chesf (20%). On the second semester of 2012, GDF bought 60% of the Camargo Corrêa, but later on in May of 2013, sold 20% for the Japanese company Mitsui.

Installed Potential: 3.750 MW

Steady Electricity: 2.184,6 MW average

Reservatorium area: 302,5 km²

Height: 82 meters

Number of turbines: 50

Costs: R$ 13,5 billions

Licensing stage: licence of installation grated at 12/12/2008

Number of workers at the construction:12 thousand

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