Marinete de Almeida

“Today we have our land. We cultivate our vegetable gardens; make flour, gum, and make tapioca. We have chicken, pigs. We have what we need where we live. And we […]

“Today we have our land. We cultivate our vegetable gardens; make flour, gum, and make tapioca. We have chicken, pigs. We have what we need where we live. And we who are staying, we are not sure if we will be relocated, we do not see ourselves leaving and going through the same situation as our comrades who are now in the resettlement. Thank god we have the Movement, where we can involve in the struggle and struggle for our rights. “

Marinete de Almeida, resident of Joana d’Arc comunity, which is located between the dams of Santo Antônio and Jirau.

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