Second day of MAB National Meeting discuss the current conjuncture

“Our main enemy is the imperialism”. This statement pervades every speech about the analysis of the current conjuncture in this second day of the National Meeting of the Movement of […]

“Our main enemy is the imperialism”. This statement pervades every speech about the analysis of the current conjuncture in this second day of the National Meeting of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) that gathers about two thousand and five hundred affected by dams.

In this Tuesday morning (03) was analyzed the correlation of power in the current national and international scenario, besides the possibilities of resistance of the worker class, social movements and, specifically, of MAB.

Igor Fuser, teacher of Federal University of ABC (SP), highlighted the strategic importance of the natural resources and mechanism of imperialism appropriation. “USA tries to control the worldwide natural wealth through war, in the first place, of the oil, but also of the ore, fertile lands and water.”  

The 800 North- American military bases around the world, the imminent war against Syria and the latest wars in Middle East and North Africa  show, according to Fuser, this running to the natural resources appropriation.

However, the reality is also observed in other regions. Mauricio Venegas, director of the Fundación Promotora de Cooperativas (FUNPROCOOP) from El Salvador, says that this process is seen in all Latin and Central America. According to him “The imperialism is annihilating the peasant organizations that resists to the big projects of mining.”

Wherefore, the national coordinator of Consulta Popular, Ricardo Gebrim, reinforces the importance of defining the real enemy of the workers. “Never in the history there was a coincidence between the people interests and the imperialism. Therefore, who doesn´t face the imperialism as our main enemy is out of the conjuncture view”.

Gebrim still highlights that the historical moment indicates the beginning of the mass struggle ascension, evidenced in the protests against the public transportation tariffs which got big mobilizations around the country. 

We will not admit that the government stays still

In the perspective of intensification of the popular struggles, the member of the national coordination of MAB, Joceli Andrioli, reinforced the requirement of the struggle against the energy multinationals. “Here in Brazil there is a real attack to the national wealth by the international capital. With the hydropower, this reflects in great taxis, high prices in the light bill and thousands of affected by dams without their rights ensured.”

Concerning to the government, he detached the importance of the stance of the social movements. “In these 20 years of organization of the affected by dams, we had achievements, but we still didn`t get our rights. It`s a shame that doesn`t exist a politic of the rights of people affected by dams in Brazil. We will not admit that the government stays still. We know the importance of the progressive governments in Latin America, but as social movements our role is to pressure in order to led them more and more to the left.”

MAB claims the approval of the National Politic of Rights of the People Affected by Dams (PNAB), proposal of a legal marc that garreteers the rights of the affected, which doesn´t exist nowadays.



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